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Welcome to Orange Stuff!
The Creators of Orange

The beautiful people who brought you Orange!

Katie Lohr

Name: Kathryn Elaine Lohr
Age: 15
Date of Birth: July 28, 1987
Likes: Tropicalness, conch, virgin margaritas, making jewelry, skiing, snorkeling, books, music, movies, palm trees, fish.
Dislikes: Tomatoes, undercooked filet mignon, water that tastes like flat sprite (especially on a excessively hot day), The Invisible Man, Gambit.
Trademark Expressions: Looliez, Neatoez
Hobbies/activities: Bad movie parties, skiing, snorkeling, swimming, tubing, making stuff, writing plays/Orange
Greatest Accomplishment: Jucosa! (not)

I was born. Then I went to preschool where I got involved with acting, playing a charcter known as Blitzen the reindeer. Later on, in 8th grade, one of my greatest works took shape. Jucosa: Paridise Gone Bad, an idea thought of on a chairlift while looking at Peruvian juice barrels. (The world's greatest ideas were conceived on chairlifts, n'est-ce pas?) I then commenced to write a play with my esteemed co-writer, Sarah Munro. Hopefully, one day, it will be complete. And then, a new idea came alive in 9th grade: Orange. On January 4, 2002, Christina Barkel bought an Orange. This took place shortly after I had completed a short random play. We decided that Orange must be a character, with many adventures and inner conflicts. And here we are now. I'd like to thank everyone who has been a part of this. LOOLIEZ!!!! And that is the end of my life as a writer of Orange so far.

Christina Barkel

Name: Christina Barkel
Age: 15
B-day: May 20, 1987
Likes: Skiing, soccer, cold weather, going on cruises, dogs, guinea pigs, Pina Notacoladas, The Beatles, frozen cokes from BK, movies
Dislikes: Shutters, pasta, English, cheesy movies, guttermen, watery hot chocolate at Pine Knob, cheap gas stations, swimming in gym
Trademark Expressions: Crude buttmuncher, insane
Hobbies/activities: Skiing, soccer, writing orange books, rollarblading, video games, chillin, walking my dog
Greatist Acomplishment: Passing English 9 Team 1st semester

"There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and then I was born. There was a lot of cheering, as I recall." I was born in May of 1987, 14 long years ago. That was in Rodchester, Minnesota. I lived there for exactly 3 weeks, and then I moved to Michigan. I attended Quarton Elementary for 6 years. There, I learned how to spell library and that 3+3=6. Next, I went to middle school at Derby. I discovered skiing in 7th grade, I think it changed my life. Currently I go to Ernest W. Seaholm High School (that's what the sign says!). I play soccer there and also learn algebra, world studies, english, french, band, and gym. Orange I discovered January 4 of this year. I've been working hard to write his compelling books and maintain his officail website since then.